Coffee toffee ice cream is as much fun to say as it is to eat! It is made using International Delight iced coffee, and this post is sponsored by International Delight. All thoughts are my own.
I make no secret for my love of all things chai latte, however there was a time in my life where instead of tea, I ran on copious amounts of coffee. I wish I could say that I was manly brave enough to toss back a pot of black coffee every morning like the rest of my family, but as y’all know, my tastes lean to far to the the sweet side for that sort of business.
The coffee I gravitate to is sweet, creamy, and decadent. For me, it’s less about the coffee than it is about the caramel and chocolate syrup that swims in it. I’ve spent my entire adult life completely convinced that I couldn’t love a cup of coffee unless that cup was half-full of a thick syrup and weighing in at well over 1,000 calories.
Boy, was I wrong. When International Delight asked me to try their new Light Iced Coffee line, I was more than a little skeptical. Y’all know I don’t do light anything. When it comes to sweet things–“light” just means Tastes Funny, or Why Bother in my mind. However, since I adore the ID flavored creamers, I decided to give it a chance. I picked up a half gallon of their light vanilla flavor, came home and poured myself a big ol’ glass, preparing to hate it.
Except that I loved it! Seriously, Friends. The coffee is so creamy and sweet! I was so surprised that at only 100 calories per serving that I didn’t detect even the slightest “light” aftertaste. I can’t believe that I actually enjoy coffee, let alone something labeled as “light.” Well, clearly there was only one thing left for me to do…
Coffee Toffee Ice Cream was born!
I had some leftover butter toffee lying around, and after sipping on the ID Light Iced Coffee, I knew they were meant to be together.
Creamy Vanilla Coffee + Crunchy Butter Toffee = True Love Always.
Even if you think you’re coffee adverse, please try the ice cream. I promise that it’s heavenly. You’ll see!
All you need is an ice cream maker and International Delight Light Iced Coffee, granulated sugar, whole eggs, egg yolks, butter toffee, half & half, and 2% milk.
Heat the milk and half & half in a saucepan over medium heat until just before it comes to a boil. While the milks are warming up, whisk together the eggs, egg yolks, and sugar until they’re combined and a little foamy. Once the milks are just below a boil, remove the pan from the heat and slowly whisk about a cup of the hot milks into the egg mixture. Once the initial bit of hot milk has been incorporated into the eggs, pour the egg mixture back into the remaining hot milk in the pan, stirring well to combine.
Adding the hot milk in stages will temper the eggs by gradually warming them, and keep them from scrambling from the shock of being added to the hot milk all at once.
Nobody likes scrambled eggs in their coffee toffee ice cream.
Return the pan to stove top and cook over medium heat until it begins to thicken to a thinner custard consistency–about 5 to 7 minutes–slowly stirring throughout. Personally, I use the whisk to draw long, lazy figure 8’s through it until it becomes thick enough to coat a spoon, and leaves a trail when I drag my finger through it. Transfer the ice cream base to a non-metal bowl, cover it loosely with plastic wrap, and chill it in the refrigerator until it’s completely cool.
Once the base has cooled completely, process it in an ice cream maker for the amount specified in the manufacturer’s instructions. I have a Cuisinart 1 1/2 quart ice cream maker with which it takes 20 minutes to bring the base to the soft-serve stage. While I wait, I crush the toffee in a zip top bag with a rolling pin, leaving a few large chunks. You should too. Once the ice cream reaches a soft serve consistency, add the crushed toffee to the machine, and continue mixing for one minute to distribute it throughout.
Coffee Toffee Ice Cream may be served immediately as soft serve, or frozen in an airtight container for several hours for a firmer consistency.
I prefer to let the rich coffee and toffee flavors get to know each other better in the freezer before scooping up a big mugful to enjoy as my daily caffeine infusion. The creamy coffee melds beautifully with the buttery, chocolate covered toffee–it’s like eating a frozen caramel mocha!
Kirsten Kubert
Yields 1 quart
Soft, creamy coffee flavored ice cream with bits of toffee throughout.
2 hrPrep Time
30 minCook Time
2 hr, 30 Total Time

- 1 ½ C. 2% Milk
- 1 ½ C. Half & Half (or heavy whipping cream)
- 2 whole eggs
- 3 egg yolks
- ½ C. granulated sugar
- ¾ C. Vanilla flavored International Delight Light Iced Coffee
- ¾ C. crushed butter toffee candy (store bought or homemade
- Heat the milk and Half & Half in a medium saucepan until just before boiling; set aside to cool slightly.
- Whisk the whole eggs, egg yolks, and sugar in a bowl until well combined. Temper the eggs by slowly pouring about a cup of the hot milks into the egg mixture, whisking continuously, until evenly distributed. Whisk the tempered egg mixture back into the saucepan. Warm mixture over medium low heat, whisking occasionally, until it begins to thicken. (Whisk with very lazy, large figure 8’s) Mixture should leave a trail when running a finger over a spoon that has been dipped in it. (As with thin custard.) Remove from heat.
- Whisk the vanilla flavored International Delight Light Iced Coffee into the pan before transferring the liquid to the bowl of an ice cream maker. Process until ice cream resembles a thick, soft serve ice cream (about 20 minutes,) or according to the manufacturer’s instructions for brand of ice cream maker. Stir in the crushed butter toffee.
- Serve immediately for soft serve, or transfer to a freezer container and freeze for 2 hours for a firmer consistency.
Prep Time: 10 minutes, Churn Time: 20 minutes, Chill Time: 2 hours, Total Time: 2 hours 30 minutes
I was asked to review International Delight’s Light Iced Coffee and was compensated for my time and expertise in developing a recipe for them. All opinions expressed are my own.
For more about International Delight Light Iced Coffee, connect with them on social media: