Fact: if you live Up North, it will snow seemingly forever during the winter. Try not to hate. Rather than cursing the frozen flakes as they fall from the sky, embrace it. Embrace it, I say! Don’t whole up in the house, wishing it all away. Get out there and do something! You can ease into it–try sledding!
To get you started, here are The Official Rules of Engagement for Sledding:
1. Dress for the Weather. While this may seem like common sense, it’s probably the most important rule. Snow is cold & wet, which is what makes it fun. However, being cold & wet is not so much fun. Suck it up on the fashion front and wear appropriate snow gear.
2. Those at the top of the hill must do everything they can to avoid hitting others below them. Yelling “Look out below!” or “Bombs away!” is insufficient.
3. If you are on course to mow someone over, take one for the team and dive off the sled. Extra points are awarded for an acrobatic dismount, a cool shoulder roll, or sticking the landing.
4. When sledding requires you to maneuver through immovable objects (read: trees) a helmet is recommended.
5. If immovable objects (read: trees) obstruct your view of the bottom of the sled hill, a “Spotter” should stand at the base of the hill to warn of potential collisions.
6. When speeding down the hill, do not make a sport of trying to take out the Spotter on the way down. (See Rule #3)
7. A snowman at the base of the hill can not serve as an adequate Spotter.
8. Spontaneous snowball fights are encouraged, and should be expected.
9. Peals of laughter improve the ride.
10. Absolutely no whining about getting cold, wet, and snowy. Snow is cold and wet. When playing in snow, snow will get on you, therefore you will very likely get cold and wet. It’s all part of the fun.
11. Adults: what goes up, will come down. Hard. Jumps sound cool until you pancake after the attempt and need 3 eight year olds to help you get up. Or so I hear.
12. A hot chocolate is a must afterglow is a must. Malted Hot Chocolate with Toasted Marshmallows is the best way to warm up after sledding.
Do you get out and embrace the snow, or would you rather hibernate until the spring thaw? If it doesn’t snow where you live, what do you do to ride out the crappy weather?