I spent the better part of yesterday organizing a basket of yarn, accessories, and beading supplies to take to church–we’re sponsoring our community’s homeless shelter for the next two weeks, and I thought it would be fun to teach how to knit. make jewelry, or other crafty things. My friends were very generous to donate most of the supplies, and ship them from all over the country. (Love you guys!) Being the person that I am, I’ve been thinking of what should go into this basket for weeks, which got me thinking of my own knitting. (Or lack thereof.) Yes, I am a knitter. Insert-frumpy-old-lady-stereotype-here.
That coupled with spending most of the week on the couch recuperating, I somehow got the illusion in my head that I have a bunch of free time. Like in real life. Naturally, I decided that I could create hand made gifts for everyone this year. And I do mean everyone. Nevermind that it’s already December. Ignore the fact that I have barely knit at all in the past few years. (That’s a story for another time.)
When we were downstate for Thanksgiving, I went to one of my old favorite yarns shops, as my MIL is kind enough to live just down the road. They were having a huge sale, so of course I needed to buy more yarn. It’s an irrefutable fact that any knitter worth her/his weight in salt has a ridiculously large yarn stash with enough projects in mind to carry through until at least the next millennium. That fact does not keep said knitter from buying more yarn when it’s gorgeous and on sale. It’s a sickness.
Look! Hand dyed cotton with a satiny ribbon through it!
So I bought the gorgeous yarn with a project in mind. Being the proactive person that I am, I start the project last night, only to discover that this beautiful hand dyed yarn did not work with this project. It just didn’t look right. I hate that. So I ripped out a few hours worth of knitting, and started a new project. But I’m still a bit bitter about it.
The only logical thing to do is to put down the knitting and brave holiday shoppers at the warehouse club so that I can buy an obscene amount cheese. I am then going to turn that cheese into appetizers for an impromptu football gathering. The Lions are playing, and we are going to need massive quantities of cheese to nurse our inevitable wounds on the football field. Of course, I will be sharing the recipes with you. 🙂
Do you do hand-made holidays? If so, what’s your “thing?”