Baked oatmeal with fresh fruit is a wholesome and delicious breakfast treat, and I have the pictures to prove it!
Every now and again I go digging through the Comfortably Domestic Archives in search of a favorite recipe that hasn’t seen the light of day in awhile. I don’t like my favorite recipes to feel lonely or neglected, so I pull them up just to say hello. Invariably on these trips down Memory Lane, I roll my eyes at my early writings, discover a few editing errors, wind up cringing at the photography that I freely set forth for all the world to see.
Early on in my blogging career, I promised myself that I wouldn’t edit old posts, so that I’d have a tangible reminder of how far I’ve come as a writer, photographer, and recipe developer since that fateful day that I first clicked Publish three years ago.
Which is all fine and good…in theory.

Before: Blah background, poor lighting, blurry, bad composition. After: neutral background, bathed in natural light, clear, better composition.
Except for the part where I’m stalked by the hack photography, poor word choices, and disconnected story-lines in my sleep. Take this Baked Oatmeal for instance. I can not, in good conscience, leave a photograph that more closely resembles Alpo than anything designed for human consumption. Leaving an unappetizing photograph with a perfectly good recipe feels a little irresponsible.
Good recipes suffer from bad photography.

Before: bowl dwarfs the food, poor lighting, blurry, extremely tight composition. After: serving dish is secondary to the food, lighting brings clarity, shot is panned out for better composition.
I’ll try to leave well enough alone, but when it really, really bothers me (and time permits,) I’ll update a photo or two in the interest of keeping the foodstuffs visually appealing. I’m in nowhere close to being an accomplished photographer, but I am always learning little tricks along the way so that I can improve. I definitely benefit from the perspective of looking back for ways to enhance my content.
From time to time, I may even share particularly dramatic transformations. Just for grins and giggles!
In the meantime, try the Baked Oatmeal!
It’s a hearty, nutritious breakfast that comes together in a jiffy, and is especially lovely when adorned with dried or fresh fruit.