The Holiday Season has come and gone, but not without a fair share of randomness in need of sharing with my Friends. This may come as (no) surprise that gearing up for Christmas and beyond sends me into a sort of Baking Tizzy that can only be liked to the Tazmanian Devil skipping through a tornado farm.
Layer cakes, various types of bread, and more cookies than you can shake a stick at were being churned out of my kitchen with such regularity that yesterday my boys chastised me when they couldn’t find any “good” (read: freshly baked) bread, and also having discovered the cookie jar woefully empty.
Before you start feeling bad for The Sons, just know that they were not deprived of our annual Christmas cookie decorating extravaganza, as evident by the amount of sprinkles on some of the cookies. Even if my oven was otherwise occupied and we didn’t get to the baking and decorating until Christmas afternoon. It still happened and I have the photos to prove it.
Here’s a few Fun Facts about my holiday baking addiction sessions that I’m not too proud to admit:
- Amount of Flour Depleted: 16 pounds
- Sugar Required: 6 pounds
- Unsalted Butter Consumed: 8 pounds
- Salted Butter Consumed: 1 3/4 pounds
Just keepin’ it real.
We did a little something different this year for Christmas, in that we traveled to my parents home for the holiday this year. That may not seem like that big of a deal, but we swore when we moved Up North that we would spend Christmas in our own home so that the boys would have a deep-rooted sense of our Christmas Traditions and family. Also, packing up our show to bring it on the road while still keeping the mysteries of Santa alive can be quite taxing. For me.
However, my parents have only celebrated Christmas in their own home once in the past 35 years because they are always the ones to travel to family events. Guilt won out, Friends, and I’m glad that it did because we had a wonderful time.
I figure I’m good to stay home for Christmas for another 35 years, now. 😉
While we were visiting, Bonus Mom and I decided to make my Grandma’s Danish Pastry which I’ve alluded to in a previous post, and maybe mentioned the fact that we typically eat our weight in pastry over the Christmas holiday in another. The sole purpose of the pastry endeavor was so that I could photograph the process and share it here on the blog. We even tripled the batch to make sure we had enough to unashamedly stuff ourselves with photographs to document the process.
Which I do.
And I shall.
Right after I sort and edit the 300 photos I took to go along with the recipe. A Food Blogger’s work is never done.
Just ask my poor, floury camera.
Thankfully the Bacon Slayer took the week between Christmas and New Year’s off, so we have plenty of family time together. We love game nights, and our new game Dizios did not disappoint. I’ll share the details with you in a future post.
We managed to make it to our favorite sledding run a couple of times, and even got in a few night sessions under the lights. Sledding under the lights is Major League stuff around here. We love it!
A couple of my babies caught a touch of the Yuck and were kind enough to share with their parents. Nice to know that all those years of teaching them to be kind and share with others is paying off. 😉 My poor Baby caught the worst of it, but I’m happy to report that everyone is on the better side of it now.
Which is evident by the Bear Hockey game that Son #2 orchestrated, and I happened to stumble across the other night. (I love how he tucked the hockey sticks into the bears’ clothing to hold them in place.)
Also evident by the reenactment of of the Trojan War over blueberry pancakes this morning.
Hmm…I wonder if they should they be called Sparta-cakes from now on?
Sorry…I couldn’t resist that corny joke.
Have a great week, Friends!