Hello, Friends! I’m hanging out with Carrie today over at Bakeaholic Mama where I’m sharing a brand new recipe that hasn’t yet been featured here on my blog. This is cutting edge stuff!
Come on over and visit me at Carrie’s place to see what I’ve been baking up.
If you haven’t met Bakeaholic Mama, the be sure to browse around Carrie’s blog when you have a moment. She’s not only a fantastic baker, but she cooks such drool-worthy food as Cajun Chicken Mac & Cheese and Asparagus Chickpeas Salad with a Honey-Lime Vinaigrette. Seriously good stuff.
Also, a quick reminder that it is Salad Week! Take a look at the salads posted to date:
Allison @ Decadent Philistine’s Tabbouleh Salad
Jeanne @ Inside NanaBread’s Head’s 50’s Fruit Salad
and later today, Lauren @ Climbing Grier Mountain will post her recipe for Parmesan Cups with Arugula.