I had planned to put up two really great (?) posts both last night and this morning. Big plans. First was another (I hope) interesting installment of Food Dork Fridays, in which we were to investigate Other Whole Grains. Riveting stuff, I assure you. The other post was to be a fun little romp that took place on my birthday.
Mother Nature had other plans for me. I fear that since I’ve been somewhat loudly complaining about the freakish-non-winter here Up North, Mother N. decided to throw a little lot of winter my way. All at once. That’ll teach me to be such a vocal antagonist of the seasons.
So last night, rather than extolling the virtues of whole grains, the Bacon Slayer and I were Battening Down the Hatches. By that I mean that we were hanging out indoors watching the power surges and running to the windows every time we heard the tell-tale THRUNK! of large branches being hurled at our house.
By morning, that branch that nearly came through a bedroom hit the porch had recruited a few friends.
The rest of the areas surrounding the house had larger branches down. This behemoth was grazing our door wall. It may not look like much on the ground…
but here’s the view from the top. I was able to grab hold of the branch tree trunk and slide us both down the back hill. In retrospect, that probably wasn’t the best solo-method to move a 100 pound piece of lumber. Although, I must admit that I was feeling a little like Steve-O in the process. Bacon Slayer thinks this is probably a 3-person move to get this one back into the woods from whence it came.
Thankfully, we have not (yet) lost power, and the branches that did hit the house didn’t damage anything. Several trees on our property either snapped in half, or were uprooted.
We are safe. 🙂
Check out the angle on this little tree!
Here’s the rest of it–just inches away from the roof of our garage.
Dozens of saplings couldn’t handle the heft of the snow. We received about 3 inches per hour for the first several hours, with just over 2 feet total overnight accumulation.
While Bacon Slayer was digging us out, I snowshoed around the property moving fallen branches and trying shake the heavy snow off of the smaller trees in hope that they will eventually be able to right themselves.
I’d be lying if I told you that the eerie crackling of wood didn’t make me high-tail it out of there at one point.
The clean up process was not overshadowed by the majesty and power of it all. The craning trees hold their own kind of beauty that allows the imagination to take off and imagine alcoves to secret lands…
and forts turned into make-shift shelters.
Or of growing brush piles that will no doubt become a great bonfire for roasting marshmallows once the snow melts.
Until then, we will gladly snuggle-up in our warm home, and do it all again tomorrow. But I’ll worry! I worry about our friends that are without power. I will so worry about my homeless friends that don’t have a warm home to hunker-down in–I hope that they are all warm tonight. I hope that they stayed at Safe Harbor.
Enough about us! I’ve been hearing about all of the snow, rain, high winds, and tornados across the country and into Canada.
How are y’all holding up?
Do me a big favor–drop a comment and let me know that you guys are all right! I’m a worrier!