Happy Saturday! Can you believe that it’s already Day 6 of Pie Week? The phrase “time flies when you’re having fun” definitely applies here. My bloggy buddies and I are sure having a good time. In fact, we were tweeting about #PieWeek so much on Twitter, that our friend Allison @DecadentPhilistines caught wind of our shenanigans and wanted to get in on the action.
Naturally, since we all love Allison and happen to be The-More-The-Merrier kind of folk, we invited her to round out our Pie Week.
Boy, was that ever a Good Call. Since the rest of the pies for Pie Week were a little on the sweet side–OK, very sweet side–Allison decided to change things up a bit and make a flavorful savory pie. She used my No Excuses Pie Dough recipe, but subbed in whole wheat pastry flour, a whole mess o’ fresh mushrooms, and red wine. Talk about savory, hearty, and meatless comfort food!
C’mon now…you must be just a tad intrigued by the possibility! Do me a favor and pop over to see Allison’s Savory Mushroom and Red Wine Pie. You’ll be glad that you did.
If you happen to be enjoying pie week as much as the rest of us, then come back tomorrow for a recap!
Woo-hoo! It’s still Pie Week!