Mads, in all of her Day-in-Tweets-pug-and-Jonathan-loving-tell-it-like-it-is glory, shared some notables of her past blog posts, and asked that I do the same. Now, you guys know that I have a penchant for digging through trash for entertainment purposes, so I couldn’t resist the chance to dig through the Comfortably Domestic archives to see what may be lurking in my blog-closet.
Because we bloggers are all about taking a break for reindeer games.
As it turns out, I’ve posted 262 posts in the last 17 months. I guess I’ve had a lot to say to the world. However, you guys have replied to my musings with just under 3000 comments. Apparently, you have a lot to say back. Hooray for that! So let’s take a stroll down memory lane and revisit a few of the posts that got us all talking, shall we?
Most Beautiful:
The sap in me would say that the most beautiful posts to me are the ones when I gush about my family or the gorgeous area in which we have the pleasure to live in; but I get the most response for the posts in which I share the beauty that I am blessed to encounter in others. Like the post about An Angel Called Shorty.
Most Helpful:
I’ll never claim to have all of the answers, not do I want to have them. What I will do is tell you how I do things, right or wrong, and hope that some of you may find it helpful. That said, some of my most memorable learning experiences come from the research required to fix things that go terribly wrong. Such is the case with ‘T Isn’t Always Rosy and My Learning Curve is Flat.
Most Controversial:
Unless you consider the well documented fact that I measure a teaspoon or less of ingredients with my hands rather than dirtying the measuring spoons, I don’t recall anything particularly controversial on the blog. Except for the one time that I was so excited that I had to share right away, and you guys thought that I was going to make it a habit of posting about mature topics, like in Randoms and a Quickie.
Most Popular:
Who knew that a frosting could bring so many people into my comfortably domestic life? The Only Other Frosting You’ll Ever Need: White Chocolate Buttercream is both the most popular post here on the blog, and also the most surprising–to me. Don’t get me wrong–it’s some seriously good frosting! I’m just continually shocked and humbled by the hundreds of search engine “hits” each week that find my little blog because of this recipe. I guess I should give thanks to Son #1 and his preference for white chocolate for inspiring this one. Even if I can’t relate to it. 😉
Most Underrated:
One of my favorite blog posts ever is one of the first posts that I wrote when my blog was a mere infant. The one in which I very scientifically analyze birth order characteristics as a function of backpack organization. The Backpack Personality Study is life-altering science, people! I’m still waiting for the folks in charge of the Nobel Peace Prize to contact me regarding this one.
Most Pride Worthy:
I try to shy away from personal pride, but I can’t help but be pleased with another early post called Ten. In Ten, I reflect on the birth of my first son, and all of the emotional changes that came along with the blessing. One pivotal event that reshaped my entire life. If you really want to know the depth of my heart, read this post.
Thanks so much for wandering through my closet full of blog memories with me. More importantly, thank you for coming back day after day to read my randomness and (hopefully) drool over something that I’m cookin’ up in the kitchen. Blogging started as a creative outlet for me, but has become so much more. Blogging is so much less about me, and more about the great people that I meet through the blog. I am so grateful to share this journey with each and every one of you. 🙂
I’d like to hear a little reminiscing from these blogs: