This probably won’t come as a surprise, but I’ve been baking up a storm lately. With Valentine’s Day just a few days away, my intention is to share my Top Two Most Favorite Recipes Of All Time. Like if I were stranded on a desert island and I could only eat 2 things for the rest of my life, it would be these two desserts. You know, assuming that my desert island has a lot of butter and baking facilities. Which, if I get a vote, it absolutely will.
Side Note: the Baby acquired his “climbing on chairs to get into mischief” skills just in time to climb onto the table with hopes of snagging a few goodies when he thought I wasn’t looking. Busted!
He also decided to walk off with a cooling rack to practice his mad balancing skills. Obviously, he’s a great little helper in the kitchen.
He also apparently walked off with my Grandmother’s recipe for Linser Tarts. As much as I keep meaning to type up the recipe so that I don’t risk more water splashes on her handwriting, sometimes I get distracted.
I’m really not sure why. Except for the fact that things in my house literally walk away in the hands of little fingers and fall into the realm of “Stuff Mom Needs That Have Been Filed Away For Safe Keeping By the Baby.” The only problem is that only the Baby knows where this stuff is, and he’s not giving it up. I tried explaining to him that I have a blog post to write, and that I must tell y’all how to make Linser Tarts. He’s having no part of it.
So, I’m going to do the only reasonable thing that I can do in situations such as these. Tomorrow, I am going to bribe him with cookies.