Really? An Award? Why yes! See:
The Stylish Blogger Award. How fun is that?! I haven’t been accused of being stylish in a very long time. Ever since my “look” became very little make-up and v-neck t-shirts with some form of Baby secretions on them. Don’t laugh! I totally rock that Look. So imagine my surprise when Beth @ Of Musings And Meringues, and Megan @ Wanna Be A Country Cleaver nominate me. Aren’t they sweet? The Award itself is passed along by my fellow Bloggers to the authors of the blogs that they enjoy. There’s a whole sub-culture here on the ‘net, people. Embrace it. 🙂 But first, a bit about the nominators:
Beth is an world traveler and an children’s book author. The fact that she even reads my blog is an honor in itself. She is also an incredible baker, which contributes to my baking habit quite nicely. But you really should pay her a visit to explore her travel posts. She has traveled to over 34 countries, and has an interesting story for all of them.
Megan is the sweetie that one the Freeset bag that I gave away a little while back. Girlfriend is also a prolific baker, and a former lumberjack. How’s that for a combination? She also has mad cake decorating skills, and a great sense of humor. Sometimes these traits merge into her creations. I love reading what Megan is up to, and stealing glimpses of her sweet Huckleberry hound.
And of course, I am incredibly thankful for all of you that read my ramblings and try my recipes. Obviously. Y’all are great, and keep me motivated to bake-up-a-storm and write. You are the best!
I was a little nervous about accepting, because part of my acceptance of the Stylish Blogger Award is that I tell you a seven new things about myself. That seems a bit tricky, seeing as this is my blog, and I tend to spill my guts on a regular basis. So here goes…
1. I really don’t like to be the center of attention. Kind of ironic for someone that regularly shares bits of her life on the Internet.
2. I hate spiders. Consequently, they tend to seek me out. Same goes for cats–I am allergic to them so I don’t pet them. Naturally, cats love me.
3. I love listening to live music. I have a great appreciation for musical ability seeing that I have just about none of my own. How I survived 4 years of Show Choir without being ejected as an Impostor, I’ll never know.
4. I have an irrational obsession with Professional Bull Riders. And Cows. And I’m a big dork.
5. I have two main vices: baking and chai latte. Surprised?
6. I deal with stress in one of two ways: baking, or making ridiculous impulse purchases.
7. Doing laundry and unloading the dishwasher are the bain of my existence.
And for a bonus: 8. I have an odd sense of humor. I laugh at myself most often.
I read such an eclectic group of blogs on a regular basis, it makes it hard to choose who to tag as a Stylish Blogger. Given that I’ve already mentioned Megan and Beth, I’ll send this award on to:
Anne @ I Live In An Antbed. Anne is a spiritual, homeschooling mother of 7. She always has a great story to tell, or insight to share. Whenever I feel overwhelmed with 4 boys, I just think that Anne has almost twice as many kids. Perspective. And she hates spiders, too.
Jeanne @ Inside NanaBread’s Head. She reeled me in with her post “Menaupause You Hateful Bitch,” and I’ve been hooked ever since. With our warped senses of humor, she & I could get in serious trouble together. The good kind. And she’s a Locovoire, so that makes us instant Besties.
Cathy B. @ Brightbakes. Amazing recipes and expertise from a girl as in love with the Northwoods as I am. Her technical expertise is as impressive as her bread looks. She and I have enough in common that it should be outlawed. And she’s a doll, to boot!
Katerina @ Culinary Flavors. Katerina is a tremendously creative cook, specializing in Greek cuisine. Fitting, seeing as she calls Athens home. It’s her sense of humor and storytelling that keep me coming back for more. Oh. And the recipes are good, too.
Kat @ Tenaciously Yours. Kat is such a thoughtful and interesting writer. She never ceases to raise a good point, or make me laugh. Repeatedly. I love her outlook on life, and the fact that she isn’t afraid to post about nail polish. Because good looking mitts are important. She’s my link to stylish trends.
And finally, Mads @ La Petite Pancake. Girlfriend is hilarious, and her tagline is “I’ll Take Mine With Bananas and Chocolate Chips.” Need I say more?