My preschooler survived his shots last week. He relished in our trip to the bookstore in which he chose to get another Mo Willems “Elephant & Piggie” book. Elephant & Piggie books are hiliarious. They rank right up there with Calvin & Hobbes and Diary of a Wimpy Kid in the current-funny-favorites-department at our house.
Our little Kabob also managed to make it through two more nights sleeping in his own bed, so that he could sleep-over in his brothers’ room on the weekend. They want to have sleep-overs in each other’s rooms all of the time. We get out the guest-brother’s sleeping bag(s) and situate him (them) on the floor next to the occupant-brother’s bed(s). Then the guest-brother gets to choose a few books from the occupant-brother’s bookshelf to read for the night. We tuck everyone in, say our prayers, and our goodnight’s.
Then Hubby & I celebrate the most happy time of our evening by singing show-tunes and dancing around the house. Not really. In all likelihood, we will likely stop by the sleep-over room approximately 12 times to “remind” the boys that their sleep-over needs to quiet down and actually get some sleep. For some reason, although they frequently pivot between playing-well-together and antagonizing-the-snot-out of each other, they are so exuberant in each other’s company during a sleep-over that sometimes the the dreaded good cop/bad cop routine comes into play. On rare occasions, the bad cop has to break up the sleep-over and send everyone to their respective beds. Neither of us likes to be the bad cop on those nights for fear of the hot mess cleanup that it requires.
So imagine our surprise when the thumping and bumping and thumping from their room fell silent after a mere 30 minutes. We were so surprised that we both went to check on all of them, because surely, they were up to something.
There they were, all crammed in to one bed, where they slept all night. Unbelievable. It took every ounce of restraint we had not to climb in there with them and soak up all the cuteness going on. We figured the bed wasn’t strong enough to hold all of them, and both of us. And we would probably either wake them up or squish them or both. And we might have just scooped a big bowls of ice cream downstairs. So we settled for quietly sprinting for the camera, snapping a quick photo, and getting back to the ice cream.