(Thanks National Geopraphic!)
I really enjoy walking through our neighborhood. It’s cathartic. Often, I go with a friend–the miles fly by while we are gabbing away. But sometimes, as was the case tonight, I go alone, listening to “guilty pleasure” music on Pandora. I just love Pandora. We’re so BFFs. So on solo nights, I go out looking like a lone Dorky Speedwalker, with Pandora helping to clear my head. I was totally rockin’ out and in a Zen like state of mind, when I suddenly caught a whiff of something that stopped me in my tracks.
Bear in mind that I live in a wooded area, so strange and pungent smells are not all that uncommon, but this particular malodorous stench literally took my breath away. I looked around, searching for the culprit. I didn’t know what it was, but I certainly didn’t want to make it mad. Then I noticed an older woman about 100 yards away, tending to her lush landscaping, spray bottle in her gloved hand. As I approached, the stink intensified to the point of making my eyes water. As often happens in our neighborhood, the woman stopped spraying long enough to wave and say hello. I had to know.
Hi there! I just have to ask, what is it that you are spraying in your garden?
Bobcat urine. It keeps the deer from eating my flowers.
Bobcat urine? Oh. (Pause.) Well, enjoy your evening.
You too, honey. It’s a beautiful night.
The funny thing was that she didn’t seem at all bothered by the smell. She was just spraying away, cheerful as can be. Meanwhile, I was still trying not to gag. And don’t even ask how one might go about collecting bobcat urine because some things are better left unknown.
I kept going, partly because I needed fresh air, and partly because I was almost to my favorite part of the walk. I call it the “payoff” before heading home.
Sunset over the Bay is one of my favorite views. It’s very humbling. A reminder of the magnificence I can only attribute to the glory of God. A reminder that the days irritations are insignificant, and that relishing in Blessings such as this are paramount.