Good Morning, Friends! I hope that y’all are keeping nice and toasty warm through the icy storms blowing across the country. With all the frosty winds about, it’s only appropriate that this month’s OKMH exchange is themed Winter Essentials. If living Up North teaches a girl anything at all, it’s what is essential to survive a long, cold winter.
My girl Mads is a SoCal transplant via the tundra of Minne*snow*ta. Mads knows winter–even while living in the land of perpetual summer. I made it a personal mission to bring the north country to Mads, so that she might feel a little taste of home from the midwest. I stuffed a big ol’ flat-rate box full of all my favorite Winter Essentials! Want to know what I depend on to help me survive embrace a winter that usually includes at least five months of snowfall? Then head on over to Mads place to see all of the fun necessities that I sent to her.
My ever-exuberant friend Megan graciously shipped a box of her essentials to me from Seattle. But before I get into that…how cute is Megan?! I swear girlfriend just lights up every room she enters. Love her!
Inside: all the makings for winter-time fun, frolic, and fashion.
Megan included these super-cute note cards because she knows that I must have a stack of fun stationary at all times. I like to have a slew of options when I feel the need to send a quick note to a friend.
Can I even call it a quick note when mailing something snail-mail style?
No matter. I’m a note writer. Call me nostalgic, but I think it’s fun to write little letters on pretty cards and then pop them in the mail.
Megan also enclosed a little fun for my hound. Daisy knew immediately that her furry-boyfriend Huck helped his pupper-mama pick out something especially for her. Those yellow labs are charmers, let me tell you! Daisy’s little coonhound heart is powerless to resist Huck’s tokens of endearment.
Not that she tries very hard to resist Huck’s advances. The hound was all up in my business the second I opened the box. She has not let her squeaky wienies-on-a-rope toy out of her sight ever since I gave it to her. This from the dog that doesn’t have any interest at all in toys or play time. Our supposed “high energy” Coonhound-mix sleeps approximately twenty hours a day–waking only to eat, chase a few chipmunk trails, and demand sufficient homage be doted upon her. It’s been really fun to watch Daisy drag that thing all over the house. Dare I say that she almost frolics?
Also included were the makings of an in-house date night–a definite essential for winter and for marriage. Knowing my ridiculous penchant for romantic comedies, and being that Julia Roberts pretty much owns the genre, Eat Pray Love is an obvious choice. I mean, come on!
Julia + Billy Crudup + James Franco + Javier Bardem = Winner!
And because no package from Megan is complete without a mini-bottle of something to set the mood, a little bubbly to go with the movie. In fact, I’m pretty sure I’m going to have to pour a fat glass for Bacon Slayer if I want him to sit through another chick-flick with me.
Love you, Sweetie! Thanks for being so great about watching all that girly stuff with me!
Half the fun of date night is putting on real clothes (read: not yoga/running pants) and making an effort to look cute. So in order to make me current-in-cute and get my mitts/paws/lips in shape for the date night: a gauzy floral scarf, some lip balm, a refreshingly mint colored nail polish, and a tube of Megan’s favorite hand cream.
Fact: Perhaps the most necessary winter essential here on the 45th Parallel is having veritable hoard of good lip balm and hand cream within reach at all times. I have that stuff stashed in every purse, coat, drawer, and cup holder. True story.
As always, Megan knocked it out of the park. I giggled at the fact that so many of her Winter Essentials were so similar mine.
To see what the rest of the ladies gifted/received, click around:
Mads from me.
Megan from Kat.
Allison from Mads.
Jeanne from Allison.
Beka from Jeanne.
Kat from Beka.