On the third day of Be A Good Cookie Week, my food-diva-labradork-owning-former-lumberjack-friend Megan killed me dead…with these:
I mean that in the best possible, metaphoric sense, of course. Our resident Country Cleaver never disappoints in the kitchen. Girlfriend is not afraid to heap more upon her more, so I was not at all surprised when she baked a batch of these German Chocolate Cookies from the Cookies For Kids’ Cancer cookbook.
German Chocolate Cookies are so stuffed full of chocolate, coconut, and pecans that they are a guaranteed hit at any bake sale or cookie exchange. Assuming that the cookies make it out of your kitchen, of course. And if they don’t…well, then your secret is safe with me.
You did register your holiday cookie exchanges with Glad in order to earn 10-cents per cookie for Cookies For Kids’ Cancer, right? No? Well get on over there!
After that, head on over to visit Megan from Country Cleaver to read how she was touched by pediatric cancer. You won’t want to miss this story because it has a happy ending! Oh, and be sure to try the cookies, too. 🙂
By The Way: you have until Saturday December 17, 2011 at 5:00 p.m. to enter my Be A Good Cookie Giveaway and help CFKC and win an autographed copy of the Cookies For Kids’ Cancer cookbook, the OXO Good Grips Be A Good Cookie spatula, and other great cookie swag. Tell your friends.
By the way–don’t forget to enter NanaBread’s giveaway for another chance to win a great prize package with all of the same stuff, plus a whole lot more!
Come back tomorrow to see The Universe in action as Kat from Tenaciously Yours simultaneously whips up a cookie classic, and crosses a goal off of her list.