After all the fun that was Pie Week, I figured it was time I got a little random here on the blog. See, when we set out to do Pie Week, I really intended to sprinkle my regular posts with the pie posts throughout the week. That would have been great except for the part where reality set in.
So, for better or worse better here’s a sampling of the random stuff that was swimming in my head for the last week.
1. This is my eighth post in a week. That’s almost as many posts as I did all of last month. Don’t worry, I don’t plan to keep clogging up your readers and inboxes with this pace. Pie Week just had me a little excited. You can count on my for my usual average of three posts a week from now on.
2. I’ve discovered a strange phenomena afoot here Up North. It seems that I can cruise along for weeks staying (relatively) on top of everything, and then BAM! I fall behind. Like a lot behind. Then I feel terrible! So, I spend a day or two getting totally caught up. And I feel great! Then, within 24-36 hours, I find that I am super behind again. What is that?!
3. I am completely in awe of the sheer artistry of the cookie decorators in the blogosphere. God gave everyone certain gifts, and creating art from royal icing is definitely not one of mine. Man! Cookie artists make some incredible stuff.
Case in point: these Mr. Potato Head Cookies from Oh, Sugar! Events. How cute are these?! Talk about wanting to play with your food!
Or how about these Nutcracker cookies from Absolutely gorgeous!
4. The weather has begun to get a bit chilly, so I made our first hot cocoa of the season last week. In honor of the occasion, I adorned the cocoa with whipped cream, and sprinkled a little cinnamon on top. Son #3 declared that it was the “best hot chocolate ever in the whole world,” and said that I should “totally be on Next Iron Chef.” High praise, indeed.
Either that, or that just means that we’ve been watching a lot of Food Network lately.
5. Bonus Mom sent a flurry of texts last Monday after I posted the recipe for the Apple Tart. She ran out that very day to gather ingredients to make it. Then she sent more texts every step of the way, culminating with a good review of the tart right before she went to bed. That kind of reaction to a recipe that I posted on the blog made me smile for days. Even if it was from my mom. 😉
6. I am doing another 5K run on Thanksgiving morning. I really, really, really wanted to run the 10K route. I consulted many training plans, the shortest of which could be done in 7 weeks. I only had 3 weeks to train. Huh. So I did the responsible thing, and consulted the Running Pack in the Sky via Twitter, and asked my friends who are *real* runners to weigh in. The consensus was that I could totally do it, so I was ready to at least try. Then Son #1 caught wind of my plan and wanted to run with me. So now, Bacon Slayer, Son #1, and I are running the 5K together. It’s going to be so much fun!
7. I experienced a surreal first this week when I officially wore out a pair of running shoes by actually running in them. I’ve never thought that would ever happen.
8. Back to Son #1, and transitioning to the fact that laundry is my life, I folded a great number of his jeans tonight. Seven pairs to be exact. So as I’m folding all of Son #1’s jeans, and I couldn’t help but notice that all but one pairs has holes in both knees. The other pair has a hole in only one of the knees. My boys are hard on denim.
9. I was a bad girl today. I tried a new breakfast muffin recipe–but that’s not the bad part. The bad part is that while I was waiting for them to bake, I spontaneously decided to make caramel apples. Idle hands, and all. I did feel a little bit guilty though. Sweets in the oven, and sweets on the counter seemed a bit excessive. Not that I haven’t done that before x 4, but today I actually had a conscience about it.
I blame it on the worn-out running shoes.
10. As if caramel apples weren’t enough, I thought it would be a good idea to coat them in dark chocolate–because more is more. Then I felt really guilty.
11. I felt so bad that some of the caramelly-dark-chocolate-apples accidently got the sprinkle treatment. After which I felt really, really guilty. More is more is more?
12. So I did the only thing I could to assuage my guilt: I ate one of the caramelly-dark-chocolate-apple-with-sprinkles. Then I sent the rest over to the neighbors. 😉
Have a great week, Friends!