Hooray! It’s Cake Week! Woo-hoo! Say it with me now:
Sorry about the all caps, but I love cake so much that I can’t help but want to shout if from the rooftops. Pie Week and Be A Good Cookie Week were so much fun, that my friends and I decided that a Cake Week absolutely, positively needed to happen.
So here we are! It’s Cake Week!
Oh. Did I already mention that? A couple of times? My apologies. What can I say…cake excites me. Cake moves me. Cake comforts me, Cake makes everything right with the world.
Starting tomorrow, the Usual Suspects–Jeanne of Inside NanaBread’s Head, , Megan of Wanna Be A Country Cleaver, Kat of Tenaciously Yours, Mads of La Petite Pancake, and Allison of Decadent Philistines and I are each going to host a day of Cake Week by sharing our moist, deliciously frosted treats. But here’s the cool new kicker…
We’re having a Cake Week Link Party!
So not only will you get a taste of what we’ve been baking in our kitchens, we are inviting you to Link What You Love! with your favorite cake recipes. Because the only thing better than cake is MORE CAKE! That way we can all see what cakey-goodness you’ve been baking up or drooling over on the internet. If all goes as well as we hope. then we’ll post our favorites from the Cake Week Link Party at the end of the week so we can savor the beauty that is cake a just little while longer.
So here’s the deal–enter your Cake Week links by clicking the LinkyTools link below. Enter the URl of your cake-like-awesomeness along with an email address (which will not be visible to anyone,) and then you’ll be able to upload a photo. You can link your recipe any time this week, but only on this post.
Click on the Cake Week Link Party Link below to enter the URL of the cake that you are loving right now. And tell your friends to do the same! 🙂 The link will take you to the Linky list of submitted cakes. Once you have entered your cake link, click the upper right “Return to Blog” link to come back over here.
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Come on back tomorrow (Monday) afternoon to see a fab recipe that I’ve been working on for quite awhile. Sprinkles will be involved.