1. I’ve been very busy this weekend. Come to think of it, last weekend was pretty jam-packed with activity, too. I can only guess how I’ll be engaged next weekend, as well.
Recipe development is a tortuous task. I’ll just have to keep at it until I get it right. 😉
2. Son #3 suggested that “Perhaps we should sample the cinnamon rolls before lunch, today? I bet that they are absolutely salubrious!” I’ve got to watch that kid–he’ll try charm the pants of a cobra, given the chance. And yes, he really did use the term salubrious.
3. Which makes me wonder if one can really Charm the Pants off a Cobra? My Grandpa used to use that expression all the time when I was a kid. I could do an entire post on colorful Grandpa-isms. But I’d probably be apologizing a lot for not being polite.
4. Speaking of sons, Son #1 spent the weekend camping. Need I remind you that we live Up North, where it is currently a tad snowy and a lot chilly? Son #1 was camping even farther north than we are, so he survived even colder, snowier temperatures. He had a blast, of course!
Except for the part in the middle of the his last night when the boy on the bunk above him leaned over and tossed his cookies onto the bed below. Son #1’s bed.
And by tossed his cookies I mean that he lost his lunch. And dinner. And evidently his snacks. He blew chow. You get the idea. Never was Son #1 ever so glad that he decided to sleep with his head at the other side of the bed, so that only his clothing/gear caught the brunt of the…display.
5. I apologize for using the term Blew Chow–it just seemed more polite than vomit. Although there is nothing at all polite about that topic. Not one thing.
6. And can I just dedicate one tiny minute to whining? Parenting is not without sacrifice–each one worth every bit of it. I’ve been subjected to more gross bodily fluids at the hands of my children than I ever care to think about, much less discuss here. (Phew!) However, having to clean clothing and gear that was soiled so unceremoniously by another? Well, let’s just say that is a sacrifice that I’d rather not endure. Blech!
It goes without saying that I am praying that the little puke-bug chooses to skip our home. Hard. So I’m sure we will be immune, right? Some call it denial. I call it going to my happy place.
7. While Son #1 was dodging his bunk-mate’s recycling project, and Sons #2-4 were tucked snugly in bed, Bacon Slayer went out foraging for pizza. In addition to being a slayer of bacon, he is an excellent pizza slayer, as well. Don’t laugh! Pizza can be ferocious! We devoured that wild pizza before the boys were any wiser. Sometimes late night pizza is needs to happen.
8. I figured that after an evening of unabashed inhalation of late night pizza would best be followed with an afternoon of watching PBR, which is precisely what I did yesterday–that is until our local station pre-empted the broadcast in favor of men’s figure skating.
I KNOW! How utterly rude of them! Now don’t get me wrong–I’m a fan of both bull riding and figure skating. But as I was in the midst of watching tough cowboys wearing chaps holding on for dear life while riding raucous bulls, and then POOF! Without any warning at all I was suddenly watching men wearing spandex spinning gracefully on a sheet of ice…well…let’s just say the abrupt transition was a little comical.
9. We have soup & bread at least once a week around here during the colder months. Last night was Chicken Tortilla Soup with the Best Ever Corn Muffins. I love corn muffins–adore them, in fact. What I don’t love is cleaning up after the Corn-Muffin-Bomb that seems to go off under the dining table every time I serve them. I don’t know how the boys manage to simultaneously inhale yet obliterate a corn muffin. It’s a phenomena around these parts.
10. I just registered to run a 5K–outdoors–as part of a Winter Festival. The weather is projected to be 24° F with snow flurries. All of which can only lead me to one conclusion: I. Am. An Idiot!
11. Questionable judgement aside, no random post of mine would be complete without a little quickie recipe at then end. I’m not sure if this can truly be called a recipe so much as it is an activity.
I pinned a version of this great idea from Tiffany @ Cute Food For Kids a couple of weeks ago. Tiffany’s site showcases the coolest, most creative food ideas for kids. Really neat stuff. So when I saw her chocolate dipped sugar cubes, I knew that I would be making them for my Coffee-Lovin-Bacon-Slayer. He’s not usually one to girly-up his coffee, but how could he resist these little cubes-of-love? He’ll be powerless to resist them!
I’ll tell ya who else couldn’t resist the lure of the chocolate covered sugar cube–my boys! I let Son #2 stir a few of them into a mug of hot milk, just to see what would happen.
The sugar melted almost immediately, and after a few more minutes…
Hot Chocolate! How cool is that? Besides the obvious adorably-cool factor, these little cubes took less than 10 minutes to make. Seriously. I highly recommend making a few for your Coffee or Hot Chocolate Lovin’ Sweetheart(s) for Valentine’s Day!
You’ll need sugar cubes, chocolate melts or chips, and sprinkles. I’d say the sprinkles are optional, but they are so not optional. The world seems just a little cheerier when sprinkles are involved!
1. Freeze the sugar cubes overnight, or for several hours. Yes, really. Freezing the sugar cubes will keep them from disintegrating in the hot, melted chocolate. The cooler temperature of the sugar cubes will also help the chocolate to set faster.
2. Melt the chocolate in the microwave in 30 second bursts, stirring between each until the chocolate is completely melted.
3. Dip the frozen cubes half-way into the chocolate. Set the dipped cubes onto a plate, and immediately drop a few sprinkles on each. The chocolate on the dipped cubes will set quickly, so work fast. Resist licking your messy fingers until you are completely finished.
Serve alongside coffee or hot milk to bring a little cheer to someone’s day!