It’s a valid concern. What do you do with all that Halloween candy when you don’t want to get caught snarfing it in the bathroom? If you are like me, you find a way to hide it in perfectly respectable food-stuffs so you don’t have to hide in the bathroom to eat it all.
That way you can hold your head high and still eat all the Halloween candy you want, right out in the open.
Candy corn + Sunbutter + Chocolate chips = Homemade Sunbutterfingers
Just like the real deal, but so much better! And safe for Son #2. Win-win.
Jenny over @ The Picky Palate made these fab-looking Candy Bar Chocolate Chip Cookie Sandwiches. She just encased her favorite fun size candy bars in chocolate chip cookie dough before baking. You can, too. Genius!
The Queen of All Things Decadent & Delicious, Paula Deen, came up with this Candy Snack Cake; a quick chocolate snack cake, topped with a chocolate buttermilk icing, and adorned with sliced candy bars. Um, I’ll take two slices, please!
Of course, just about any chocolate candy bars can be chopped up and tossed into brownie batter, or pressed into crispy rice treats. Chocolate is an easy medium.
Baking with chocolate is all fine and good, but what do you do with the consolation-prize-candy? You know what I mean…all those suckers, life savers, and Jolly Ranchers. The stuff you only eat once the chocolate is gone.
Well, you can take out your frustration of being out of chocolate by smashing the bejeezes out of the hard candy and making these cute Stained-Glass Critter Cookies from Just cut out your favorite sugar cookie dough, and use a smaller cookie cutter or knife to take some of the dough out of the center. Fill the center with the smashed candy, and bake. The candy melts, giving a stained-glass effect. How cute are these flowers and butterflies?
The folks at Martha-the-Brand also shows you how to make basic Stained-Glass-Cookies of any shape and size. I think the stars are fun and festive.
You don’t get much more festive than these Stained-Glass Snowman. Absolutely adorable! The Martha-the-Brand folks suggest a basic vanilla or chocolate sugar cookie dough, but I think that shortbread cookie dough is the better option because shortbread cookies are less fragile.
Since we have a nut-free house, we end up with a lot of fruity candy. I never know what to do with it, so I usually end up throwing it away. Gasp! I know!
But thanks to the peeps at Real Simple, I know to toss the SweeTarts into their SweeTart Milkshakes.
And finally something to do with Skittles–I’ve been wondering what to do with a plethora of Skittles for years. Skittles Meringues! Light and fluffy meringues with a hint of fruity crunch.
Of course, if you are like me and picked way more apples than you know what to do with, then the Pioneer Woman’s Caramel Apples rolled in just about any small candy is a viable option. A viable, delicious, and somewhat healthy option.
An apple a day keeps the jiggles away! I’m pretty sure that candy calories don’t count if they are eaten with an apple. But don’t quote me on that. 😉
Not-so-fineprint: All recipes and photographs other than my own are copyright of the people/wesites/blogs indicated in the text. Click on the photos or links in this post to be redirected to the original sources.