Pie Week starts tomorrow! My friends and I decided to get together and celebrate Pie Week on our blogs. So every day this week, you can expect a post outlining the featured pie of the day, and the link to all the flaky deliciousness that is Pie Week.
Pie Week came about while we were bantering back and forth on Twitter. Are you on Twitter? You should be–that’s where the real party happens each day. So anyway, we were bouncing around pie ideas, right after I posted the recipe for No Excuses Pie Dough. No Excuses Pie Dough is the easiest pie pastry around, so much so that a few rookie pie makers thought that they might want to give it a try. Being the good friends that we are, the rest of us decided to jump in and make pies, too. Ergo, Pie Week was born! The only rule was to use the No Excuses Pie Dough recipe and let your imagination run wild with the possibilities.
Woo-hoo! Hooray for Pie Week! I really hope that you guys like pie, because I am so excited about Pie Week that I may or may not have been doing a little dance and chanting “It’s Pie Week! It’s Pie Week!” for most of the weekend. Sorry, no video, but this one comes close:
Yeah. Like that, but not quite as cool or rhythmic.
So it’ll be an exciting week here on the blog. Don’t worry, I won’t post any more dancing videos. Well, probably not. We’ll see how excited I get.
Look for pie posts every day this week:
- Monday = Me, me, me!
- Tuesday = Jeanne @ Inside NanaBread’s Head cooks up an unbelievable fried pie.
- Wednesday = Kat @ Tenaciously Yours braves a from scratch pie pastry for the first time to bring us a holiday favorite. Her first pie!
- Thursday = Mads @ La Petite Pancake bakes something wonderfully decadent and fruity. Also her first pie!
- Friday = Megan @ Wanna Be A Country Cleaver bakes a special Mystery Pie. It may be a mystery to us, but you better believe it will be fab!
- Saturday = Alison @ Decandant Philistines Save the World contributes a savory offering to our pie-making reindeer games.
If pie is not your thing, then…well, I’m not sure if our friendship is going to work out. Only kidding! If pie isn’t your thing, then I’ll just be forced to eat your piece–that’s just the kind of friend I am. But just in case, I’ll be posting the usual riveting material that you’ve come to love appreciate humor me and read.
Come back tomorrow to see our first pie! It’s a family favorite!