For some reason we tend to go into hyper-purge mode in the fall. Some animals gather nuts for winter, we get rid of extraneous possessions. Simplifying is a necessary component of my sanity. I mentioned that this summer was dedicated to reclamation. To recap, we planned to reclaim the following:
- The yard.
- The bedrooms.
- The closets.
- The bathrooms.
- The yard.
- And on a personal note, I plan to reclaim my waistline. Food blogging has made all of my jeans too tight!
Overall, it went as follows:
#1 & #5 went as well as to be expected. We transplanted our neighbors native landscape thinnings. We get a gold star for effort due to the simple fact that we remembered to water regularly. We fared as well as expected. 75% of our transplants live to tell the tale.
The other 25% died and/or were eaten by our charming volunteer landscape architects.
#6 Went swimmingly well. (Or should I say runningly well?) Seems that in addition to giving me a new hobby that I never thought I would embrace, training for a 5K had a pleasant affect on my waistline. Goodness knows that all the cupcakes weren’t helping it any. So taking up running and confining my baking habit to once or twice a week had the desired outcome: my “fat” jeans are too big, and my “regular” jeans fit.
As for #2, #3, and #4…they are still works in progress. While we had every intention purging and painting the second floor this summer, we just…didn’t.
Which brings me to Thanks goodness Kat included me in her reindeer games, because I sure needed an extension on my own pre-set deadline. So I’ll jump into the The Fab Five with the same commitment, and take it a step further by calling them Fab. Because that is exactly how I’ll feel when I can can check these things off my To-Do list.
The Fall Five:
- Finish the purge and hold a Garage Sale. We usually prefer to donate our items, but this time the purge is too big to ignore, so we really should get a little cash in the process.
- Begin the upstairs renovation projects (Read: paint, decorate.) We’ve lived in our home for 5 years. It’s time to eliminate the “contractor white” paint from our lives.
- Get an oil change. Sounds obvious, but I never remember to do this until I’m 1000 miles over the 3000 mile limit. As I am now.
- Find balance. I’ve been going 100 m.p.h, so I need to slow down to find balance, and not just except that everything is “the new normal.” Continuing to run should help here.
- Use my Sunday nights wisely. Bacon Slayer’s hockey season begins this week, which means that once I get the kids in bed, I have the opportunity for some quality “me” time. To be honest, I usually use this time to balance the checkbook or get caught up on stuff for the coming week. From now on, Sunday nights will consist of me, a chick flick, and proper attention to my own manis/pedis. It’s the Way it’s Supposed To Be.