So here I am working on a very-dorky- yet-cool post for the blog, when I get a tweet from my BBBF (best blogging buddy forever) Megan of Wanna Be a Country Cleaver fame. I say fame because Megan just won a TODAY Food Home Chef Challenge!
As in, the blog/facebook entity of the TODAY Show. Fer real!

Photo Copyright Megan Pence @
Her Garlic Parmesan Oven Fries bested two other selected recipes with 67% of the vote. I really don’t think I could be more excited for her without squealing, jumping up and down, and making my family a little nervous. OK, I may have done all those things anyway.
Hooray for Megan!!
Here’s how it works: readers/viewers submit their home recipes. The Powers That Be at TODAY Food select 3 different recipes to be voted on for 2 weeks. At the close of voting a winner is announced. Megan’s recipe is now being featured on the TODAY Food facebook page, and AND she has a chance to appear on the TODAY Show! How cool is that?! That is some seriously squeal worthy stuff.
I’ll be honest–I’m thrilled for Megan, but I am a little bit stunned. Por quoi, you ask? Because before I realized that Megan had won, she sent me a tweet telling my that one of my recipes was up for best grilled dish! W-O-W!!
Whodathunkit? I’m so surprised. I entered thinking that I-am-seriously-no-where-near-as-cool-as-Megan-but-why-not? I’m up against some seriously delicious recipes for Baby Back Ribs with Whiskey BBQ sauce, and Peach BBQ Chicken.
Which brings me to the grovelling portion of this post:
Please, please, please! If you have a facebook account, head on over to TODAY food and like the page. Once “liked” you can click on the Home Chef Challenge category under Wall and Info in the left hand margin, which will bring you to the voting page. At which point, I would love it if you were to vote for my Asian Inspired Flank recipe. As in, it would be exceptionally cool of you to vote for a food dork like me. 🙂
End grovelling portion of this post.
And, hey! Since you are already heading to facebook and liking things, and since I am clearly in shameless self-promotion mode, perhaps you could find it in your heart to “Like” the Comfortably Domestic page? Hmmm? I was going to announce the CD facebook page in a very cool way here on the blog at a future date, but um…I guess I chose to blurt it out now instead.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to freak out a little bit more before finishing the previously scheduled post. 🙂