Meet Siren. He’s cute and soft and wrinkly and squishy and mine all mine my friend Lyndsay’s new puppy. Did I mention soft? Because Siren is definitely soft. With velvety ears and puppy breath, too. As if he needs puppy breath to reign me in. He had me at squishy.
He’s really not helping my resolve to not have a pet whilst I am still changing diapers.
The boys did their best to bribe him into staying with us forever by feeding him half a box of Milk Bones. Literally.
Yes, I keep Milk Bones on hand.
No, I don’t have a dog. Why do you ask?
I thought we were making some progress, but once he was done snarfin’ down the goods, he went looking for his momma. Traitor.
He didn’t want to hurt my feelings with a Dine-n-Dash, so he decided to hang around for a little while before abandoning me going home, though. Siren is nothing if not a gentleman. You probably can’t tell from this shot, but that pup’s got mad tether-ball skills.
He’ll be back. He’s know where his bread is buttered he can find a bottomless box of Milk Bones.
On a totally unrelated note:
These are my new favorite shoes. Not because of the cuteness factor, although there’s that. Nope. These shoes are my favorite because they are made entirely of chocolate! Solid. Chocolate.
Like 1 1/2 pounds worth of chocolate. In the shape of a pump with a stiletto heel. Throw in a matching hand-bag and I’m ready for anything.
Sanders Candy makes these shoes for bridal gifts, but if you call their toll free number, they’ll ship one directly to your door!
Shoes+Chocolate+Home Delivery=Brilliant
In keeping with the Utter Lack of Segue theme I’ve got going on:
My friend Ryan did this with one of the cupcakes I brought to our homeless outreach dinner last week. The funny part is that everytime he eats one of my cupcakes, he threatens to do this. So I called him out. He was very willing. I didn’t have to double-dog-dare him or anything!
Even funnier still? He waited for me to get my phone ready to snap the shot. Said he couldn’t wait to see it on my blog. Well, he doesn’t have to double-dog-dare me for that one.
So here you are Ryan! In all your cupcake-rubbing-glory. Oh, and Grace? This is why your husband came home smelling like buttercream. He quite literally brought it upon himself.
Moral of the Story: volunteering makes you silly.
Alternate Moral of the Story: my friends are weird. 😉
Have a great weekend, Friends!