Yep, I’m in there. Somewhere. Here Up North, you either embrace winter, or you go crazy in the winter. Those are the only options, therefore I choose the former. Winter must be enjoyed for all of the opportunity that it’s frigid beauty brings. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed the upper 50 degree (F) weather of a few weeks ago. I drove with the sunroof open and dreamed of cherry blossoms. I bought into the myth that the warm up would last. Until it didn’t.
It’s cold again–much to my dismay. Snow is great November through January, but come February, I am done. Done! So I’ll admit that this new round of frigid temps caused me to pout for a day or two, but I am over it. I have re-committed to embracing winter! In so doing, We are trying to ski as much as possible before the big thaw.
It’s a Survival Tactic.
So, the other night, I was riding the chair lift with a sweet little girl. I’d guess that she was about 8 or so. We must have been skiing the same route, because we had ridden the lift together 3 or 4 times, chatting all the way. We were pals. On about the 5th ride up the lift together, she leans over and says,
“Hey! Do you want some fries?”
I’m sorry. What?
“Do you want some fries? I brought some in my pocket. They’re still warm!”
Then she reached into one of the cargo pockets of her ski pants, and pulled out a fist-full of french fries. At which point I almost fell of the chair lift laughing. I laughed so hard, that I cried. Then I realized that I might have hurt her feelings, since we were obviously at the friendship stage of sharing french fries. I explained that I was sorry, and I hope that I didn’t hurt her feelings, but her french fry offer reminded me of the tater tot scene in Napoleon Dynamite.
You know, the part where Napoleon Dynamite leans over and says “Hey. Can I have your tots?” and his friend pulls some tater tots out of the pocket of his shorts, because he stashed them there lunch, to snack on later. Then the friend tells him no? And they fight about it? Anyone?!
She looked at me like I had 3 heads, then tenatively asked, “Um…what’s Napoleon’s dynamite?”
And here I thought since it is one of the few movies that I’ve seen in the past 10 year, that I was being current. Then the reality of being a 40-year-old-housewife-mother-of-four came crashing back to me. I am so no cool. I tried my best to explain the movie to her in the midst of my giggling. She didn’t seem to get it. I had killed our bonding moment.
I did what any normal person does when reminded of the reality of not being cool.
I bought a ridiculous amount of cheese, and played with my son’s Chef Lego mini-figure. Then I made an incredibly rich & cheese laden dish that I will be sharing with you, very soon!