My BFF Linda gave me the sweetest gift, the other day, and for no reason at all. A dozen eggs! These weren’t just any eggs, though. These eggs came from her her daughter’s chickens. Yes, these are the very same chickens that we all learned how to hypnotize at a Girl’s Night Out, once. Linda is still steadfast in her assertion that we do not refer to the chickens as “hers.” Not that there is anything wrong with raising chickens. She just finds the idea a little embarrassing.
Embarrassing for the girl that grew up in Iowa.
But getting back to the eggs…how more perfect a gift is there for your chronically-baking-friend than eggs from your very own chickens? The only cooler gift in my book would be if Linda were to have a dairy cow that she milked to make butter. Seriously.
I used 1/2 of the dozen eggs that first night. I must have sufficiently gushed about her perfect gift, because she gave me 2 more dozen the very next day. Hooray! Omelettes for everyone!
As far as gift giving goes, you really can’t go wrong with edibles. No fuss, no muss, no clutter. Unless they are absolutely perfect, clutter-free gifts are the way to go. Which leads me to think about a few other food-type gifts that I have received.
Amy gave me a pint of her famous Honeycrisp applesauce, and some strawberry jam, just because I lent her a few books to read. Very unnecessary. She’s so sweet.
The last time Chris came to visit, she brought goodies from the Spice House in Chicago: Double Vanilla, Pumpkin Pie Spice, Chai spice mix, and Cassia Cinnamon. Their stuff is ah-may-zing!! Also very unnecessary because her presence is a present. But, Girlfriend knows me well.
And of course Hubby randomly brings home chocolate for no reason at all.
Which is reason #1720 why I love that man.
So the next time you are thinking of a getting a hostess or thank you gift, think edibles! You really can’t go wrong.