Hey Y’all! I’ve got a little Post Holiday Randomness to share, but first…FIRST!! I’m just bursting with excitement to tell you that I’m going to Mixed Con this weekend!
Yes, I am just that excited about it!
One hundred food bloggers are going to converge in the unsuspecting state of Virginia for 3 days of food, fun, and frivolity! And seeing as we’ll be staying at the same beautiful resort in which Dirty Dancing was filmed, I’m sure that there will be no shortage of Dirty Dancing movie quotes being flung around.
Say it with me now: “Nobody puts Baby in a corner!”
Sorry. I can’t help myself when it comes to iconic ’80’s movie quotes.
Duff–FREAKING!–Goldman will be speaking, along with Food Photography Mavens Helene dujardin and Bree Hester, Marian/Sweetopia, and more! TONS of familiar Food Bloggers will be in attendance, including: Paula/bell’alimento, Susan/Doughmesstic, Heather/Basilmomma, Jenni/Pastry Chef Online, Kim Bee/Cravings of a Lunatic, Megan/Country Cleaver, Carrie/Bakeaholic Mama, Lauren/Climbing Grier Mountain, Katie/Hill Country Cook…I could go on and on!
I probably will once I get back!
I’m just so thrilled to meet so many bloggers and industry professionals that I have admired/followed for years. This trip is totally out of character for me–I’ve only been away for a weekend without kiddos exactly 4 times in the past 12 years. I’ll miss ’em, but this is going to be so much fun!
The Baby is still processing the whole idea, as only his three year old self can. He keeps telling me, “Mom. You’re not going to a conference this weekend!” and then proceeds to unpack my suitcase. So if I show up with only one shoe and a pair of jeans, we’ll all know why.
We spent last weekend downstate visiting family for Thanksgiving. My sweet Mother-in-Law took this family photo for us. She’s notorious for cutting off people’s heads or other body parts when taking photos, and we love her for it. This one is a particularly Good Shot because not only did she cut all but the Baby’s lower limbs out of the frame, but her left index finger makes an appearance as well. Daisy–our Diva in Training–is not a fan of being told to “stay” for the photo op.
God I love my family! 🙂
The Bacon Slayer took one for the team while we were away and helped a reluctant Baby take a nap. Aren’t they adorable?
The Bacon Slayer also celebrated a birthday last weekend. We gave him a cheesecake, a slew gifts, and several handmade birthday cards. Son #2 made him at least four different cards, but this one is my favorite, as it depicts the Bacon Slayer tackling a Green Bay Packer for his birthday. All of which is extra hilarious seeing as BS has never, ever played organized football of any kind.
Son #2 took time out from his greeting card business to work on definitive Lego models. He calls this one “Defenestration.” (Yes, really.) I guess Luke Skywalker sassed Yoda one too many times.
Talk back to me you won’t. Throw you out the window I will.
Not having to cook the holiday meal meant that I could lounge around pursue other interests. The knitting would have been more successful had I not taken the pattern I was using out of my knitting bag mere moments before we left home. Seriously! I don’t know what I was thinking. That’s all right though, because I had no idea how much The Hunger Games trilogy would take over my life. Can’t. Put. The books. Down.
Naturally, we made time for a lot of Quiddler. It’s always fun when we can make sentences out of the words in our hands. Son #1 was particularly pleased with this hand. He saw it as a sign of things to come.
I scored some Serious Bling in the form of a hot pink, sequined-flower headband complete with rhinestone button! The photo quality is admittedly terrible, but trust me when I tell you that the headband is the perfect accessory for winter on the 45th Parallel! The Raven in me is very pleased.
Where in the world did I find something so perfect, you ask?
Allison/Decadent Philistines gave it to me when we MET IN REAL LIFE this weekend! She & her family left their desert home to visit family in Michigan for Thanksgiving. Coincidentally enough, said family lives within 30 minutes of my parents house. It was just. meant. to. be!
We were so thrilled that Madeline/Munching in the Mitten was able to join us, too! How cool is that? We tried to rock the Kissy Face for the camera, only mine is more of a Fish Face because the Baby is forever wanting me to make that face–it cracks him up! This just goes to show that you can take the mom away from her kids, but she’ll still make a Fish Face on command. Allison’s sweet baby girl, Her Royal Highness, also made an appearance for dinner. She is super adorable. Naturally. The entire night was more like a Reunion of sorts rather than a First Date. In short, it was awesome.
Yesterday I had to stab a friend’s child with an epi-pen when he started to have a life-threatening allergic reaction at practice. It took me a few minutes to fully realize what was going on before I could react properly–his reaction was very different then what we’ve experience with our own kids, which is true of allergic reactions–they don’t always look the same, but they’re still completely terrifying. All I know for sure is that the whole ordeal was Completely God Driven, considering:
- We almost weren’t at practice yesterday! Their first game is coming up, so at the last minute I cancelled doctor appointments and decided to go.
- I finally recognized what was happening, so I could react.
- We had extra men helping with practice, and they were able to carry him to the car.
- He got to the ER quickly and safely.
- He’s all right. He’s safe. He is home.
Thank God for all of the above! I’m not telling you any of this for accolades. I don’t need them, nor are they deserved. I did not act alone. I’m only telling you because I’m just so dang thankful that I was able to remain calm so that I could try to keep the boy calm, and so no one else present would freak out. I’m still waiting for the inevitable emotional crash that comes a few days after an episode, but for know I’m doing well.
When you’re a parent of kids that can literally be killed from something they eat or are exposed to…well, that feeling is nothing short of horrific. But for some reason, God has chosen us to walk this path, and because we’re on it, we’ve met other families that live with the same issues. I am thankful to have met this other family–we share a bond that (thankfully) few can fully understand. I truly believe that we would be friends no matter what, but I can honestly say that our understanding makes us that much closer. I firmly believe that God brings people into your life that you need, and offers yours to others. I’m thankful that I was in the right place at the right time. I pray that if my boys ever need that kind of help in a crisis and I’m not there, that someone, anyone will be able to hold it together long enough to help them. Food allergies are something that I’d never wish on anyone, but in the grand scheme of life, it could be so much worse. For that, I am deeply grateful.
I’m working on a fun food post that I hope to get up this week before leaving for THE MIXED CON!! (Woo-hoo!) But for now, I have to make like a primitive woman and gather food for the family.
My boys only suggestions for their Boys Weekend groceries were cereal, pickles, and stuff to make “Dad’s World Famous Grilled Cheese.” Oh, and potato chips. I’m pretty sure that I don’t want to know the specifics of what goes on during Boys Weekend, but I’m sure Nerf Gun Battles and Pillow Fights will factor prominently.
All I do know is that my boys will likely subsist solely on Guy Food & Testosterone Surges, and that’s just fine with me.