Hooray! We have a winner for the Baking Illustrated Giveway courtesy of the very generous folks at America’s Test Kitchen! But first, let’s take a look at all of the unbelievably fabulous Crepe Week creations, shall we? Click on any of the images to be redirected to the original recipe posts.
- Mixed Berry Grand Marnier Crepes via CountryCleaver.com
If you haven’t had a chance to read about all of the crepe-y loveliness that occurred last week, you owe it to yourself to do so. Like right now. I mean, seriously? Red Velvet, Lemon, Asparagus & Mango Cream, Southwest, Pork Belly, Vermont Cheddar, and berries of all shapes and sizes all in crepe form? Get on over there! Just don’t go before I reveal the winner of the Giveaway!
The winner of a copy of Baking Illustrated, what is quite possibly the best baking cookbook on the market today, the cookbook that explains the ins and outs of baking, the cookbook that inspires me to be a better baker every single day, the cookbook that could someday Rule the World, is:
♥ Hanaa!! ♥
Hanaa would like to perfect the art of croissants. Well, Hanaa…you’re in luck! Baking Illustrated is just the cookbook to get you started on the path to buttery, flaky perfection!
Thanks again to the very generous folks of America’s Test Kitchen for supporting the Crepe Week efforts of a handful of passionate bloggers. I think I can speak for all of us in saying that y’all rock our collective culinary worlds!