Holy guacamole, Batman! I am completely awestruck with the Be A Good Cookie Week totals that have been forwarded to me. You guys are awesome!
For those of you keeping score, my friends and I registered a cookie exchange with Glad, so that every cookie that we baked and exchanged during Be A Good Cookie Week would earn a 10-cent donation for Cookies For Kids’ Cancer. So, in additional to all of the great cookie recipes that we shared last week from the Cookies For Kids’ Cancer cookbook, My friends Jeanne @ Inside NanaBread’s Head, Megan @ Wanna Be a Country Cleaver, Kat @ Tenaciously Yours, Mads @ La Petite Pancake, Allison @ Decadent Philistines, and surprise! my brother Chris @MrStonebender were baking even more cookies for the cause.
In addition to our official total, many, many of you emailed me with the total number of cookies that you registered for your own cookie exchanges via the Cookies For Kids’ Cancer website. I am just thrilled and humbled by how many of you didn’t even blink before helping us bake a difference. Thank you.
So…are you ready for the totals? This is pretty exciting stuff!
((Insert drum roll here.))
((Believe it or not, there is a free app for that–Bacon Slayer plays it often.))
Our Be A Good Cookie Week Cookie Exchange totaled 4944 cookies!!
Thanks to the generous folks at Glad, 4944 cookies = $494.40 for Cookies for Kids’ Cancer. Yay! A few of my friends chose to donate rather than bake, so I can add $35 to the Glad total, for a grand total of…
$529.40 going toward pediatric cancer research!!
Can I get a Woo-hoo?!
((Happy Dance))
And as if raising more than $500 wasn’t enough excitement, I get to announce a winner for my Be A Good Cookie Giveaway!
The Winner of the Be A Good Cookie box is Lisa! Congratulations, Lisa! The box of cookie related goodies is on its way to you in sunny Hawaii.
After all of the cookie madness going on here on the blog last week, I feel it is only right to start enrobing just about everything in melted chocolate. Look for easy candy recipes later this week. 🙂