After spending two days sorting and editing photos, the plan was that I would put up a new post as planned (ahem) this morning, having whipped it out after my new morning walk/run ritual. But apparently my body decided that my days months years of trying to function on 6 hours of sleep each night was coming to an end. Like today.
Translation: I slept in and skipped the exercise.
A few hours later, I was able to herd the cats boys out of the house so that we could run a few errands. Which we did with little incident. If by little incident you think having 3 boys zipping around an ophthalmology office and trying on 300 pairs of glasses–which none of the 3 in question require to correct their vision. The son that does require glasses for vision correction sat angelically in a chair awaiting his new specs, while telling his brothers “Chill out, Dudes!”
So after that circus sideshow errand, I thought that I should probably be a proper wife and mother and tidy up a bit around the house, and feed my boys a lunch that didn’t consist of cheese & crackers. And maybe play with Play Doh for awhile. Or catch up on a mountain of little laundry.
It was at the laundry point of the show that I hit pay dirt. The Mother Load, if you will. (Yeah. I couldn’t resist that one.) ALL of this was clanking around with one load in my dryer. Seriously, folks. When will I ever learn to check the boys’ pockets before washing their clothes? Let’s review the treasure trove of goodies, shall we? (Read: Humor me as I wallow in my own disbelief.)
A couple of pencils. Understandable. You just never know when you might need to write something down.
Various Lego Minifigures, KNEX pieces, and accessories. If you don’t recognize any of these objects, then clearly you don’t live with 4 young boys. Lego pieces have infested every facet of our lives. Those things are everywhere.
A soccer medal. This one is mine. Well, it belongs to one of my boys, but it should be mine for all of the Saturdays I spent watching or coaching soccer in the freezing rain during the Fall and Spring seasons.
Rocks. My boys have to pocket a few rocks everywhere we go. All of them are rare/arrowheads/fossils in their eyes. I’m not entirely sure, but I suspect that I wash more rocks on a weekly basis than I do matching pairs of socks.
Tweezers? I’m not sure if I want to know what they were doing with tweezers. Perhaps painstakingly excavating the fossils out of those rocks.
Coins, buttons, toe tokens, a plastic craft flower, and a Noah’s Ark pin. A plastic flower?! Need I remind you that I have four boys? We don’t have any craft flowers in this house. My best guess is that the flower was buried somewhere in the yard, and one of them dug it up.
A Harry Potter ring. This one is totally mine. I’ve been wearing it for weeks leading up to the release of the final movie installment. Not really. I put those rings on cupcakes for a school birthday treat a few years ago, and a few of them keep re-surfacing. It’s kind of disturbing, actually.
But not as disturbing as finding this! You are looking at the skeletal remains of a disposable camera. This is disturbing for many reasons:
- Neither Hubby nor I have ever purchased a disposable camera for any of our boys.
- This particular disposable camera has a flash, which I would logically assume is powered by a battery.
- I’m pretty sure that putting a battery into a hot dryer is a bad idea.
I really need to be better about checking pockets before doing laundry because clearly, I wash much more than clothes. Thankfully, the battery in that camera didn’t explode or start a fire.
Which brings me to more fire related news. Rebecca @ A Dash of Thyme was kind enough to tag me with a blog award. Thanks, Rebecca!
Since I have already shared some of my favorite daily reads, I thought I’d tag some of my newer blog finds:
- Food Served With Love and Calories Chef Rohini is dishing up some seriously good eats. And her blog name is awesome.
- The Canning Wife Girlfriend cans seriously everything!
- Reluctant Entertainer Sandy Coughlin’s guide to casual, simple entertaining.
- The Sweet Adventures of Sugarbelle Holy Cow! What an amazing cookie artist!
- Barefeet In The Kitchen Mary cooks real food from scratch for her family. (A husband and 3 sons!)
- Fresh Plate Liz is also a mom of four boys. Which pretty much makes us SoulSisters.
- GROMMom Monica is an endless source of energy and inspiration. She blogs about her board-sport enthusiast boys and their life in Hawaii. (4 boys, too!)
- An Island Mom A former midwest girl that picked up everything and moved to an island with her family. An excellent writer, with a fondness for etymology. (NOT entomology–big difference.)
- BasilMomma: A Busy Mom Who Likes to Cook Great ideas with fresh, real food.
- Decadent Philistines Save the World Allison is a great source of inspiration and encouragement. She blogs about her family’s journey to live well, eat well, and live compassionately. Love that!