I’ve recently cleaned and re-organized all of my kitchen cupboards. Cleaning out cupboards can be a bit scary. I never know what I may have bought a zillion years ago, that got shoved to the back of the cupboard and forgotten about forever. Or until I organize the cupboards, which may as well be forever. All I have to say is, thank goodness for expiration dates.
But it wasn’t the expired stuff that was so scary. What was alarming was that by better organizing my kitchen space, I am also better able to visualize the extent of my baking addiction.
For example, I currently have 12 bags of various baking chips: milk chocolate, dark chocolate, semi-sweet chocolate, white chocolate, butterscotch, and mini-kisses. (Hubby wants me to tell you that this is not the complete stash because I’ve made a few batches of cookies since I originally re-organized–there were a few more bags.) I’d be startled by the volume of chips, if not for the the fact that I just never know when I may need to bake 60 dozen chipped cookies. The big jar o’ Skittles is left from our weekly Spelling Bees, last summer. Skittles have a shelf life of forever, don’t they?
The shelf above the scads of chocolate chips is where I keep the cupcake fixings. I think I have about 300 baking cups, and at least a dozen different types of sprinkles. So, I guess if I want to bake 300 cupcakes to go with the 60 dozen cookies, I’ll be ready.
Let’s not forget the “Contraband Cupboard” which is full of the good chocolate, which means it is manufactured and/or contains nut products, and therefore not safe for Son #2. He knows not to go anywhere near this cupboard. Right now it is stocked with interesting varieties of Vosges haut chocolate, and what I have always called “sandwich chocolate” from Denmark.
I may or may not hoard the sandwich chocolate because it has to last until my Aunt Marie comes from Denmark to bring me more. She’s my source.
I may be approaching Crazy Chocolate Lady status. That I can live with.
But what I really want to know is if there is such a thing as a Crazy Flour Lady? I mean really? Who has 6 types of flour on hand at any give time? Anyone? Bueller. Bueller. Someone tell me I’m not alone in my madness, here!
As long as I’m keepin’ it real and bearing my soul and the insides of my cupboards, I might as well admit that only having just over 3 pounds of butter makes me a little nervous. I mean, what if I want to make 300 cupcakes, 60 dozen cookies, and a batch of PW’s Cinnamon Rolls? Then what would I do?
Send help. Send help fast.
And tell them to bring a big glass of milk.