It’s been awhile since I’ve shared a list of totally random musings that have been spiraling in my head. I’m sure you’ve missed them, so here goes:
1. With the abundance of spring snow that fell last week, I felt a strong need for some color in my life. I can find beauty in freshly fallen snow just as much as the next gal, but freshly fallen snow in late March always makes me a bit surly. It happens.
So it’s only natural that I practically threw these hot pink tulips into my shopping cart. Being the only female in my household, I tend to periodically crave hot pink.
They’ve found a new home on the kitchen window sill. Not only do they brighten up the kitchen, their placement blocks my view of the snowy yard. Sometimes denial is my friend.
These purple tulips had to come home, too. I’ve always loved deep purple flowers with the bright yellow centers. And is the spirit of randomness: purple and yellow are also my fraternity colors in college.
I had to have these lilac colored mums, too. They are like daisys, only prettier.
And because I can never pass by a lavender plant without getting all warm & fuzzy inside, I bought a huge pot of lavender. My goal for all of my new flowering plants is to keep them alive long enough for the ground to thaw so that I can plant them outside. Seeing as I don’t garden, this is a lofty goal. But I remain optimistic.
2. I went shopping yesterday with my BFF Maggie. It went a little something like this: Shop, Buy a ridiculously fantastic gift for our BFF Linda. Grab a coffee/chai, stalk our BFF Amy at the tanning salon next to my favorite coffee shop because we saw her car in the lot. Giggle about Linda’s gift and send her texts to taunt her about it. Shop some more.
Buy a ridiculously awesome trench coat that makes me feel like Mary Tyler Moore, (I’m gonna make it after all! is my theme song until the snow melts.) Eat copious amounts of spinach and artichoke dip. Chase said dip with a ginormous salad to assuage the guilt of mowing down copious amounts of spinach and artichoke dip in record time. Giggle about the ridiculously fantastic gift for Linda, again. Decide that I am so over the numbers on the scale, and buy some cute jeans that fit and don’t give me a muffin top like my old jeans that I insist on sausaging myself into do. I feel awesome in my new jeans. (BTW–I’m wearing them in the photo with my new trench coat.) Buy more clothes that actually fit. Bask in the glow of a spontaneous day out with a friend.
3. Clinton and Stacy would be proud of my new clothing choices.
4. I am kind of relishing in the freedom in ignoring the numbers on the scale. I am an active person. I try to work out. I eat lots of fruits and veggies each day, which is how I assuage my guilt for eating lots of butter. I’ve birthed four beautiful babies. Let the scale say what it may.
5. Hubby is cleaning out/purging our filing system cabinet. That act alone just notched him even further up on the Hot Husband scale.
The fact that he found his old driver’s license from 21 years ago pushes him up a few more notches. Isn’t he adorable? Look at the baby-face with all the hair!
Of course he is infinitely hotter with a sleeping baby strapped to his back. I’m just sayin’…
5. I am obsessing over craving Red Velvet Cake right now. Thanks for that, Megan. 🙂
6. I may or may not have made a Red Velvet Cake today. It may or may not be the chaser for a fried chicken dinner. With crash hot potatoes. And a big pile of steamed broccoli to balance out the whole frying thing. Because I’m all about balance.
7. Bob & Jillian are going to kick my hiney tomorrow for eating fried chicken and red velvet cake.
8. I think a brutal workout is a small price to pay for a big ol’ slice of cake.
9. Did I mention the really cute trench coat that I bought yesterday? I bought it because I am really sick of wearing a parka. Parkas, while functional in protecting you from the elements, are really frumpy.
Case in point. Fashion wins over function in the month of March.
10. I’ll be sharing the recipe for my twist on Red Velvet Cake later this week.
Did you have a weekend of random, or were you on a mission?
Do you obsess about the numbers on the scale?