I don’t typically give anything up for Lent. Instead, I like to do things to enrich the spirit, and bless others. This year, my focus is on blessing my family and friends.
Allow me to back up a bit. As many of you know, in July of 2009, we were blessed with Son #4, who will now and forevermore be called the Baby. Even when he’s bigger-and-stonger-rougher-and-thougher than his Daddy. He will always be the Baby to me.
Besides all the hormonal surges and re-acclimating to discover the new rhythm of daily life, another thing occurs in our house after a baby enters our lives: disorganization. When we have a baby, especially one that awoke multiple times per night for 15 months, the hidden areas of the house get incredibly disorganized. Some call it Sleep Deprivation. I call it Survival Mode.
The common areas stay clean and organized, but if it is behind closed doors–look out! And I do mean that literally. Closet Chaos has set in. Open a cupboard or closet door, and something is liable to fall out. It Happens.
We can’t find anything, and everyone is very frustrated with getting bonked in the head with random objects during the search. What better way to bless my family during Lent than to organize our home? Operation Closet/Cupboard Clean-Up has begun.
We tackled a few key areas before Christmas: bedroom closets, and the dreaded closet under the stairs. We purged much. This week, after having a plastic pitcher fall on my head for the 5th time, I decided that it was time to tackle the main floor. I took everything out of the kitchen cupboards and laid it on the dining table. The computer cabinet, the buffet, and the TV armoire got the same treatment. It was about this time that Hubby walked in for a teleconference.
He chuckled. “Wow. You are ambitious today.” My mission was clear.
Every cupboard was wiped clean, then contents were re-arranged to improve the work flow. Instead of having art/office supplies in three places, the have been consolidated to one. I found approximately 167 Sharpies, so if you need one, let me know.
Spring cleaning has come early to the 45th parallel. I couldn’t be more relieved.
So in the midst of my cleaning frenzy, I did a little blog clean-up as well. The recipes listed on the Comfort Food Recipe Index have been updated to reflect my new format of pictorial illustration, followed by the text recipe.
Did you know that in less than a year, I have shared over 65 recipes? Crazy.
Updating the recipes was like a walk down memory lane. I spent some time with the first recipe that I ever shared on Comfortably Domestic: Basic Roasted Chicken Breasts, followed soon after by Bourbon Soaked Tenderloin, and Yankee Sheet Cake. Although I am far from an accomplished food photographer, it was nice to see some definite progress from the earliest days of this blog. Good Times.
I plan to complete the main floor scrub down today. I have to–it’s cuttin’ into my blogging time, man! I’ll be back around this weekend with a new morsel or two. It’ll be my little reward in between the dreaded Linen Closets Clean-Up.
In the meantime, take a stroll down memory lane and browse the Comfort Food Recipe Index tab. I’m positive that you will find a new recipe to bless your family with this weekend.