As a woman, I think it is very important to spend time with my Girlfriends. A good Girl’s Night Out (GNO) is good for the soul. And let’s be honest–they are all good GNOs! I have a particularly fun group of girl’s that I get together with fairly often. It’s great to be able to get together with a group of girls and share your triumphs, foibles, loves, and frustrations. You just never know what may happen at a GNO. Our activities are varied, but we always have an evening full of fits and giggles. Here’s a few ideas of things we have done, or are planning to do, at some point.
1. We’ve gone out to dinner. A lot. Not very exciting, but relaxing and fun. It’s always nice to have someone wait on you, for a change.
2. We tried a book club format once. Actually, it was supposed to be a book club pool party, but it was pouring. Snowflower and the Secret Fan. Good book, but we never got around to discussing it. We were in awe of my BFF Amy’s party decorations. I think she bought out the Asian-themed party section at Party Giant. The rest of us decided that we couldn’t compete, and crowned Amy the Queen Party-Planner.
3. We talked about crashing my BFF Jen’s daughter’s birthday party because they had a zip-line. We decided to start a GNO with a grown-up zip line, instead.
4. Bull riding. Admittedly, I’m driving this one is fueled with my borderline unhealthy love of Professional Bull Riding, and all things bovine, which my girlfriends think is hilarious. What could be more fun than riding a bull with the girls? OK, so we wouldn’t be riding real bulls, but a bar around town has a mechanical bull that some of us are ready to tackle.
5. Chicken Hypnosis. (Of not-Linda’s-chickens.) Don’t knock it ’til you’ve tried it.
6. Spend literally hours trying on the cutest flip-flops ever. I’m not going to mention names, but some of us, OK one of us, may or may not have successfully sneaked home a not-for-sale-super-cute-prototype in her bra. And it took us awhile to notice.
7. Hang at the beach, and have a uber-competitive Cornhole tournament at sunset. Then chase a 9 year old girl around with a fish-fly in your hand. Fall off the deck because you are running too fast, and in flip-flops. Remind yourself that you are old to be running in flip-flops, and that 9 year old girls can run faster than you.
8. Karaoke. I am pretty sure that my BFF Julie is the only one of us that can sing, but it won’t stop us from rockin’ the mic.
9. Talk about how you wish your friends that didn’t make it to GNO, were there. Some were sleepy…
…some were jet-lagged from having just travelled 44 hours to get home to their families.
10. Think of juvenile ways to let them know that they were missed.
11. Then pile in a sweet convertible. Put the top down, and drive around town. Oh, and let the missing gals know that you were thinking of them.
And that you really, really missed them.