When we moved north a few years ago, we did so blindly. We had no idea where to live, what were nice areas, what were not so nice areas. We loaded up the van one weekend, and canvassed the region with our Realtor. Our main requirement was land. The next biggie was no Hillbilly neighbors with engine blocks hanging from trees in the front yard. Not that there is anything wrong with Hillbillies or engine blocks hanging in your yard. Besides, Jed was kinda cute.
We bought our house on instinct. We loved the large lots and heavily wooded area. We loved the miles of trails at the end of our street. A sweet couple waved to us the first time we drove down the road to see what would become our house. We considered that a good sign. People were friendly here. Or at least we hoped they were.
We weren’t disappointed. We have one of the most friendly and social neighborhoods around. Everyone has is quick with a friendly wave and a kind word. We gather several times a year for fun and shenanigans, but it still seemed like we went long periods without chatting with some folks, so Bird & Jen decided to institute a Friday Happy Hour. Once a week, we all gather at a different “host” house for snacks, beverages, and camaraderie. Kids and dogs romp freely. Laughter abounds. It’s downright Americana. Well Happy Hour easily spills into dinner time, so sometimes we order pizza and keep on going. Deb & Dave took it a step further when they hosted by organizing a pot luck taco bar.
Mmmmmm…tacos! Talk about comfort food.
Neighbors came from everywhere bearing food. This isn’t even 1/3 of it.
Deb & Dave provided beverages and premises. Let me tell you something about Deb. Girlfriend has got it going on! She is always adorably dressed, made up, and with perfect accessories. And she likes me, anyway. 😉 And Dave is the nicest guy you’ll every meet.
Their entryway just begs you to come in and stay awhile.
Lush gardens are everywhere. And still blooming in October! Sigh. Whatever.
She clearly does not have the same gardening issues that I do. I think she is paying off the deer on the sly. You know–protection money.
How’s that for a tree house? I’m pretty sure it is bigger than our first house.
I just love the warmth of neighbors coming together. Everyone is so genuinely glad to see each other.
Little kids eat their weight in tortilla chips, and plan the next mass silly band exchange.
Big(ger) kids hang out on their own. But still close enough.
My camera shy guy finding a sudden reason to close his eyes and scratch his face. It’s like he has a sixth sense about the camera being on him.
My baby doesn’t have the same issues. He had a great time picking ice out of a cooler and handing it to my friend Kim. Over and over and over again. Cracked them both up.
We’ll probably continue Happy Hour until it snows, or gets too cold to hang around outside. Then we will likely only see each other in a passing vehicle, on a cross country trail, or in line for the chair lift. Although Dave offered to host again in the winter–said he’d just put space heaters in the garage. That’s a fine idea.
I love this neighborhood.